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In September 2023, 97% of first-time test takers who trained on SportsAgent Institute platform passed while FIBA Agent Exam worldwide success rate was ONLY 19%.
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Follow a personalized study plan for your FIBA Agent Exam prep.
With over 500 questions identical to the FIBA exam, you won't miss a beat thanks to our exams and practice sessions available on our platform.
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In accordance with the FIBA Agent Exam Rules, all questions are based on the following Study Materials.
*First-time FIFA Agent Exam takers who completed at least 95% Of SportsAgent Institute FIFA Agent Exam Prep.
In 2023, 97% of people who trained on our platform passed the exam, while the worldwide pass rate for the FIBA agent exam was only 19%. Join the No. 1 training course for passing the FIBA exam today.
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